Church groups should have a sense of candor so raw that it would make an AA meeting blush. They should provide the opportunity that sermons do not; the opportunity to ask deep questions and share. They should be based not on some abstract series that has nothing to do with the rest of the church, but written by the Lead Pastor to integrate the sermons and group curriculum. They should not shy away from difficult texts, but face them and call groups to apply their lives accordingly with unflinching exposition. Find the authentic community you crave alongside real people who share your interests. Experience the organic growth of genuine friendships as you apply your life to the biblical text alongside every other group in the church:
How our verse-by-verse curriculum works
Rather than a devotional plan that has nothing to do with the groups curriculum which has nothing to do with the sermon which has no strategic connection to the other two, our whole book-by-book plan through the Bible is built around our groups. Our Lead Pastor, who has a doctorate in biblical exposition, wrote and managed the world's best-selling expository Bible study for adults before he moved to Seattle. Today, he writes for The Redemption Church and plans his sermons around our groups! When we finish a series, the resources are made available for other churches through Jesse Campbell Ministries; a separate 501(c)(3) that will alleviate personnel expenses from the church and allow us to better minister to our community.
If you only listen to the sermons, you'll miss 1/3 of the bible content we provide weekly! Fill your mind and your cup with God all week long by plugging in and see your faith grow.