“For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Matthew 17:20-21(CSB)
Introducing “The Revival Project” - the name we have given to our building campaign because our vision and commitment is nothing short of a revival in the Greater Seattle Area. We don’t know yet whether the building providing the physical home to our spiritual family will end up being new construction, re-purposed commercial space, or a revitalized church property. However, one thing we do know is that building will be a necessary step in the direction of our vision for revival. Join us in giving to The Revival Project and help us wake up our spiritually sleeping area of Seattle to God’s call for repentance and renewal through revival! For the in-depth look at this project, click here to hear all about how this will impact our ministry, our church and our community for a lifetime.
In the first year since we've launched this vision of purchasing our own space, we have come close to reaching our ultimate goal. God has worked in miraculous ways of helping this little church plant grow exponentially in a short amount of time.
Will you consider being a part of our planting story by donating and helping us reach our goal?

What's Growing
With the physical building location, The Redemption Church will be able to expand upon our existing ministries and offer many more opportunities for outreach, growth, and ministry in these alone:
Preschool Ministry
Elementary Ministry
Youth Ministry
Young Marrieds Ministry
Small Group Ministry
Homeless Ministry
Yeti Men
Wildflower Women
Upward Sports

There is a story in the making here - the kind your grandkids will never tire of hearing. If it is God’s will, walking them from the kids’ wing to the worship service for the first time, you will tell them about how you were a part of the first generation of The Redemption Church that made the whole project possible. We are literally claiming ground for the gospel and that is a story worth telling—a beautiful legacy. I have heard stories of the founding generations of each of the churches I have served at across the U.S. and now we are writing those stories together. Let ours be a legacy of a vision for revival in this lost area. Let it be a legacy of tenacity, faithfulness, and audacious generosity!
This is my favorite church-planting story I have heard so far and I am honored that you would be a part of it with me.
- Pastor Jesse Campbell